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iFilm's movie lineup for upcoming weekend: part 21

Catch latest updates on iFilm TV Channels' weekend movies.

Catch the latest updates on iFilm TV Channels' weekend movies and plan your TV time based on your language of choice.

The weekend varies through the sister channels of iFilm English, Arabic, Farsi and iFilm2. Therefore, the end of week falls on Thursday on iFilm2 and iFilm Farsi, Friday and Saturday on iFilm Arabic, and Saturday on iFilm English.

Check the movie titles and their air time based on the language and channel you prefer.

iFilm English:

iFilm English TV will air ‘The Fishery’ on Saturday February 10 at 22:00 GMT.

Khojeh Mohammad is a local tribesman who’s spent his entire lifetime working at the fishery on an island in northern Iran. He has a history of stirring unrest in the area in the fight against corruption among local government officials. Following the death of his son during one of the riots, Khojeh Mohammad backs down and refuses to get involved in any further unrest. Until one day a close encounter with death draws the old insurgent out of his shell again.


The weekend movie to be aired on iFilm2 will be updated here.


iFilm Farsi:

Tune in to iFilm Farsi on Thursday February 8 at 17:30 GMT to watch ‘The Finish Line’.

Taking part in a cycling match has been Khalil’s long-lived dream. He now has the chance to bring to life his old dream.

iFilm Arabic:

In the case you wish to watch iFilm’s ‘The Painting Pool’ in Arabic, tune into iFilm Arabic on Friday February 9 at 19:00 GMT.

The movie, directed by Maziar Miri, is a remarkable portrait of two people fighting for their right to be a family despite being mentally challenged. They try hard to lead a regular life and care for their son, Soheil, but for them everything is a challenge, even cooking or crossing the street, let alone raising a normal child who soon realizes his mentally challenged parents are not like everybody else.

The channel is also set to televise ‘Bodyguard’ in Arabic on Saturday February 10 at 19:00 GMT.

'Bodyguard' chronicles the story of a middle aged man who protects high-ranking political figures. He gets into trouble when a suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest approaches the vice president. Then he has to evaluate the values that he sacrifices for.

